Friday 5 June 2009

Thoughtful Widget Placements For Entrecard and Adgitize

Thoughtful Widget Placements For Entrecard and Adgitize

As Kamila drops on fellow Entrecard and Adgitize members, she notices that many are doing the sensible thing by place both respective widgets in the same frame. This make thing so much smoother for droppers that is a partisan to both parties.

Thoughtful Widget Placements For Entrecard and AdgitizeKamila does the same thing herself as she is a thoughtful camel and wants to make it easier for her friends that drop in. Beside she only has one post on her home page so an added bonus is that droppers don’t need to scroll down at all. She does wonder why others put the widgets in separate segments of their blog home page and wondered if it was because they wanted dropper to linger longer on their sites and avoid the ‘bouncing’ affect.

Then Kamila thought a bit more, if droppers are going to bounce their drops they wouldn’t bother wasting time scrolling up and down in search of the elusive second widget. Kamila like many other bloggers that drop will browse the site as well as drop and if something holds their attention they will read on before moving on. Surely this is the beauty of Entrecard an Adgitize, you get rewarded for reading many blogs, which is what you’d do anyway.

Without wanting to sound like a fusspot, Kamila will always drop on those who have dropped on hers before she does anything else. Then she can go on to choose other interesting blogs to browse, whether they have the widgets together or not.

This is all fun for Kamila who seems to be growing in blogging stature now as each week goes by.
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