Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Bardmony. Farm cottages across arable crops.
Kamila has been quiet for some time and for very good reason, the wick has arrived in the centre and the candle is nearly out. In other workd Kamila has been buring the candle at both ends for quite q while now. 

The reaosn is simple. As well as working out int he field all day and evenings, she has been otherwise occupied at weekends by working on repairs to the home. There has been no time to party on or write blogs for that matter.

Things will change in July as the workload dies down. It is far too hot to lay cement and all that needs doing with crops is watering and harvesting, still lots of work but not as much.

So those who follow Kamila deserve and apology for her absence, but this is seasonal and come Autumn Kamila will be able to breathe a sigh of relief once the crops are in fo rthe winter and her wirting and philosophy can continue as before.
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