Thursday, 23 November 2017

Kamila is Looking Forward to Christmas

Well it has been quite journey over the last ten years and Kamila the Camel the original and only Camel Blogger has seen lots, perhaps too much for her own good over the last decade.

It would be quite understandable for Kamila to be confused with life and cultures she has been through - so diverse! From Kuwait to London to Bulgaria to London again and then back to Bulgaria. If you asked her where she felt more at home what do you thing the answer would be?

Kamila, camel, Christmas,
If there is one thing Kamila loves more than most it is Christmas and the lead up to the event. Now she does not have a religion, but the ideal of celebrations for Christmas appeal to her. It is a happy occasion not only for Christians but for her to respect the culture she has now found herself in and be part of that culture. As Kamila said, "When in Rome?" I must admit it is a deeply respective Kamila who has the courage and humility to accommodate a foreign culture without any prejudice.

Having said that, Kamila get s a bit impatient for Christmas to come. In the UK it was upon her in October with a three month build up! In Kuwait, noth In Bulgaria they haven't even started thinking about it in local shops and only a sprinkling on TV from manipulative business minded companies who are trying to steamroller the people into spending throughout the lead up to Christmas. Kamila knows that this doesn't work here with the poverty that surrounds the people here. Needless to say Kamila understands how the most influential brains in marketing force even more poverty with wand of credit!

It is now the time for Kamila to get into the mood and look forward to the best season of the year in terms of happiness. It may get very cold but the heart get warmer at Christmas gets closer. Kamila just loves looking forward to life in Bulgaria again with their unique and sociable way of celebrating occasions such as this/

All in all, Kamila says she is very happy, in fact more importantly, completely content with spending the rest of her life in Bulgaria. I can see what she is coming from and the justification for this will unfold as time goes on.