Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Hits4Pay - Another Scammer

Well it has been some time since becoming part of a click for pay scheme that promises little but often money on a regular basis. All you have to do is wait for an email then click on the links and open up an advertisers site fro 30 seconds and 2 cents is yours.

The biggest attraction for Kamila with this was the £10 sign up fee that they promise and give and with a $25 payout level it seemed that money was assured. Kamila signed up in July 2006, yes nearly four years ago. Since this time she has clicked on every ad that was sent through email and picked up a couple of customers where she gets 1 cent per click from them. There has been no time where she has not taken offers of pay per click jobs.

Look at this!

Since July 2006 the earnings have been on $1.39 (plus of course the $10 sign up fee!

How long would it be before the $25 dollar payout level is reached. Well Kamila would be dead and buried from old age by the time that happens.

Even with 100 people being referred it would still take decades before that payout mark is reached. The bottom line is that it is a scam.

There is no intention to pay out from this scheme as they ensure you never reach that $25! Just like the scammers Blogadvertisingstore, they get bloggers who need the money wasting their and effort with this scam.

So if you see an advert for Hits4Pay

My, my, Kamila is finding out about many scams recently and it is a much wiser camel who tread the web right now. 

Kamila's says, "I hope many of you haven't wasted too much time on this scammer!"
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2 comments: on "Hits4Pay - Another Scammer"

cornyman said...

Hi Kamila,

i signed up in late 2008 but as of now i managed to get less than 1 $ :)

I guess as soon as you look on the promoted ads it might be for sure that it could be a scam as the advertisers promote mostly these get-rich-quick ebooks :)

I just stick with them, no matter how long it takes because you don't have to look at the ad, just wait until it says "2 cents credited to your account" and then close the window...

martin in bulgaria said...

Hi Martin,
You could make more income writing about scams than falling for them! lol