Kamila has also added a reputable dating site banner above her posts. She knows that true love is very hard to find and she hope that this may help people who really could do with some. It is free to sign up, write up and publish your profile and browse to your hearts content. Kamila of course would find it quite difficult to find other camels looking for love online. One day perhaps there might be a male camel in Bulgaria whom she can date. She did get a Valetine card form someone last February but has still not found out who it was from. Until then all she can do is wish and watch others fall in love around her.
No winnings in competitions yet, but early days and Kamila will be pushing for more over the next week. There seems to be quite a few new competitions coming out right now – It’s the in things at the moment it seems and of course quite a lot of fun.
Finally, Kamila is also saving money at home by helping bottle vegetables that are very cheap in the markets at the moment. This will last right through the winter when the prices will rise in the market. Being a vegetarian camel, this food is just up Kamila’s street.
“Love and Peace to all!” says Kamila
1 comments: on "No Winnings Yet, But Lots Of Love Waiting Around"
Kamila is such a clever camel, I'm sure there is a friend out there somewhere. There must be another blogging camel, there must. Enjoy your bottling!
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