“It’s good and bad news from Adgitize,” says Kamila, who now looks forward to even more revenue from them each month. As from November points earned that covert to real money are raised, but then so has the fee for advertising with them form $14 per month to $24 per month.
Here’s the run down:Less Than 200 points a day No Change
200 points a day 15 cents a day 24 cents a day
290 points a day 22 cents a day 35 cents a day
300 points a day 44 cents a day 72 cents a day
360 points a day 53 cents a day 86 cents a day
430 Points a day 63 cents a day $1.03 a day
500 Points a day 74 cents a day $1.20 a day
Kamila was very happy indeed with things as the earning were consistently over $20 per month. Kamila has calculated that the earning should be slighter more and of course with Winter coming up will help bear a little extra towards the cost of the wood that is needed for the wood-burner.
Adgitize is growing rapidly and certainly seems to be here to stay by the sound of it. The business management looking in is far more astute than Entrecard who have lost hundreds of members from bad management – Guess where they went?
Entrecard is still very useful and Kamila is still making more friends from her circulation there. The best advice form Kamila is to have a party at both organisations, they go hand in hand with dropping in any case.
Here’s the joining in boxes for Adgitize and Entrecard – Kamila hopes to see you there.