It is funny how tired you get when you come back from holiday. Kamila has found it hard to get into the fast lane of blogging since getting back as her mind is still in the sand it seems. That just shows how much of a lovely time she had I suppose.
Lots of new things happening with Entrecard so Kamila now is now accepting EC members’ ads automatically as this was one of the changes made over the last few days. If you aren’t a member of Entrecard Kamila suggests you should think about joining, you can just have a passive role and you will get traffic, which isn’t bad at all.
It might take a few more days for Kamila to get into second gear, but she will eventually as the memories of the holiday become more distanced away with time.
Lots of new things happening with Entrecard so Kamila now is now accepting EC members’ ads automatically as this was one of the changes made over the last few days. If you aren’t a member of Entrecard Kamila suggests you should think about joining, you can just have a passive role and you will get traffic, which isn’t bad at all.
It might take a few more days for Kamila to get into second gear, but she will eventually as the memories of the holiday become more distanced away with time.
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