Image via Wikipedia
Kamila has just come back from a fantastic break to find that many of her friends had visited her site in her absence and she couldn’t wait to get back online and thank all those who did. It wasn’t more than a hour after getting back and unpacking that the laptop was unfolded and the wireless Internet signals were pulled in and used.
It is back to the business blogging now with recharged batteries and a camel mind now in mood for moving on from where she left off just over a week ago. Things change very quickly in blogging circles, especially with a little neglect. It is as if the powers of blogging communities do not allow for any rest without demotion and another hill to climb if taken.
Perhaps there should be some provision for bloggers (including camel and other animal kingdom relatives) to take a break once of twice a year without penalties imposed. This would be a healthy addition to the blogosphere. Are you listening Entrecard and Adgitize?
A big thanks again from Kamila to all her loyal blogging friends.
It is back to the business blogging now with recharged batteries and a camel mind now in mood for moving on from where she left off just over a week ago. Things change very quickly in blogging circles, especially with a little neglect. It is as if the powers of blogging communities do not allow for any rest without demotion and another hill to climb if taken.
A big thanks again from Kamila to all her loyal blogging friends.
4 comments: on "Whilst The Camel Is Away The Cats, Dogs and Others Play"
You're so lucky Kamila :-) Over one week holiday, good mood, happy, new ideas... let's move on to do something great.
I bought an ad... accidently with the Entretoolbar (wanted to click Refresh but it already changed to Advertise for 512 EC) and now it's so cheap *lol* would be something for your Bad Luck-Blog...
Have fun and enjoy the time with your friends from Adgitize and EntreCard (you will see some changes in Adgitize since this week... additional ads give now points too, read the blog).
Our contest is doing well, ok, nearly mastered the half way to 1 Million EC... Just need 112 more sponsor with 5.000 EC :-) Do you want to be one of them *lol* You know that you get free traffic for one week,too?!
Welcome Back! I agree - bloggers need a break now and then.
Welcome back! I am just back after a week off too, and it really does feel like I've been away for months - I think your plan is wonderful and I wish it could come true :)
All camels deserve a vacation sometimes!
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