Back to blogging mode, Kamila has looked again at how you can make more inroads to making money online other than Pay Per Post jobs that a detrimental to your blog in Google assessing PR. Kamila has seen quite clearly this puts so many people off that building their blogs up to qualify for posts then see all their hard work undone isn’t worth the effort.
With AdBrite and AdSense thematic systems that pay for being clicked on, Kamila has found that you need massive traffic to get anywhere near enough just to cover Internet overheads. Kamila’s team has made nearly $200, but it has taken near on 18 months to earn that on AdSense. The AdBrite was experimented on for a couple of months and Kamila earned less than a dollar, no good at all and all down to lack of traffic. Even with hundreds of EC droppers each day, this kind of traffic does not venture into AdSense or AdBrite systems as 99% are drop and run traffic.
So without major traffic and being hoodwinked into thinking that Entrecard traffic does the job, there is a dead end for the vast majority of bloggers trying to earn this way. Other avenues have to be around and the trend nowadays for decent traffic is competitions. Mr Cornyman (Martin) with his blog and the 1,000,000 EC competition has taken the bull by the horns by initiating the biggest competition to date and it will be very interesting to see what kind of results he gets on this blog. He is using Entrecard as the pivotal centre of the competition, nothing wrong with that as Entrecard encourages it, naturally.
There are many other way to make a bit more blogging and Kamila know you have to be quite original in though and almost unique with ideas that might work. She does know that the wheel can be invented time and time again and with this an old method maybe that had become obsolete a few years ago with be re introduced with a new hat and take off again. A year ago the award chain blogging was the top, this has died now, this will of course come back to popularity in the future, but not as we know it.
In the meantime, if you are a EC member give Mr Cornyman some support with sponsoring EC credits, Ad space, hard dosh, or other prizes that might want to give away. Kamila has given ad space and 5000 EC credits and feels good about it, not just from getting good backlinks either! His site is here Cornys Moneypage Blog or just click on the box below for details of the competition.

Happy blogging as always!
15 $ cash prize from
10 $ cash prize from
5 $ cash prize from
25.000 EC
20.000 EC
15.000 EC
10.000 EC
7.000 EC
5.500 EC
5.000 EC
4.500 EC
4.000 EC
3.500 EC
3.000 EC
2.500 EC
2.000 EC
1.500 EC
1.001 EC
1.000 EC
500 EC
125 x 125 ad space (4 months until 31st December)
125 x 125 ad space (3 months)
Text Link ad (3 months)
125 x 125 ad space (2 months)
Text link ad (2 months)
Text Link Ad (1 month)
468 x 60 ad space (1 month)
125 x 125 ad space (1 month)
Blog review (200 - 300 words)
Customized Bloglayout (Blogger-Platform)
DOMAIN (1 year)
5 GB Hosting space (without domain)
My own contribution (if someone beats my contribution, i have to top up ;-) ):
25.000 EC + 1 ad space Cornymans Moneypage
25.000 EC + 1 ad space Cornymans Blogreviews
25.000 EC + 1 ad space All about babies and kids
25.000 EC + 1 ad space The One Minute Guide
There are many other way to make a bit more blogging and Kamila know you have to be quite original in though and almost unique with ideas that might work. She does know that the wheel can be invented time and time again and with this an old method maybe that had become obsolete a few years ago with be re introduced with a new hat and take off again. A year ago the award chain blogging was the top, this has died now, this will of course come back to popularity in the future, but not as we know it.
In the meantime, if you are a EC member give Mr Cornyman some support with sponsoring EC credits, Ad space, hard dosh, or other prizes that might want to give away. Kamila has given ad space and 5000 EC credits and feels good about it, not just from getting good backlinks either! His site is here Cornys Moneypage Blog or just click on the box below for details of the competition.

Happy blogging as always!
25 $ cash prize from
20 $ cash prize from
15 $ cash prize from
10 $ cash prize from
5 $ cash prize from
- atenean101 @ Blogspot
- English Short Story
- Make or Break
- Thoughts and Obsessions
- Just About Anything
- MyOnlineContest
- Pinay Mommy Online
25.000 EC
20.000 EC
15.000 EC
10.000 EC
- Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate
- Too little time to blog
- Frugality is the new reality
- Blogging Tips to promote your blog and make money blogging
- Your daily photo depot
- Pinay Mom : Smartest Mom in Town
- Stalking Minds
- X O X. J A N E L L E .X O X
- contest ♥ love
- The Journey
7.000 EC
5.500 EC
5.000 EC
- Girls Are Made of Sugar & Spice and Everything Nice
- Everything Has A Reason
- In This Life of Ours
- In My Kitchen
- My Vegetable Garden
- ProductReviewsVonMir
- atenean101 @ Blogspot
- Wonderful Things In Life
- Blog de Manila
- Kaya Mo, Pinoy!
- My Life and My Views
- Stunned by Stone
- Kamila the Camel
4.500 EC
4.000 EC
3.500 EC
3.000 EC
2.500 EC
2.000 EC
- All about my life
- My Life's Adventure
- Life's Journey
- Quintessential Babble
- Kutsara at Tinidor
- Worth's...Road
- Blog Fusion
- Make or Break
- Subjective Soup
- Communication Exchange
- Seek No More
- Freaky Frugalite
- Mara's Appetite
- My Financial Corner
- The Movie Mommy
- Chika Buzz
1.500 EC
- Make Money Online | Make Money Online Malaysia
- Fishy Passion
- Proud Mommy
- My Online Journey
- As Time Goes By...
- One World Realty Philippines
1.001 EC
1.000 EC
- Momgen Garage Store
- My Crafts Store Online
- Fida Abbott
- Lovely Pink
- My Daily Sunset
- Dashing Beauty
- kharlota dot Com
- Live Love Pink
- Hobby and Such by Carlota
- Mixed Bag
- iLUVcontest
- AnotherContest
- nameSherry
- Shopping
- the fledgling blogger - "Only love can work wonders."
-'s Blog
- Gossip Mom
- A Maiden's Testimony
- samantha's own
- In His Steps
- Mommy's Little Corner
- Master and Student
500 EC
125 x 125 ad space (4 months until 31st December)
- One World Realty Phillipines
- Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate
125 x 125 ad space (3 months)
Text Link ad (3 months)
125 x 125 ad space (2 months)
- Blog de Manila
- Kaya Mo, Pinoy!
- Pinay Mom : Smartest Mom in Town
- Yashiro
- Tinta at Papel
- Just About Anything
- Wish Happy Birthday For Free
Text link ad (2 months)
- Work At Home (worth $ 50)
Text Link Ad (1 month)
- After cancer, now what
- Gossip Mom (5 text links!)
468 x 60 ad space (1 month)
125 x 125 ad space (1 month)
- Kamila the Camel
- Herbways - Way with Herbs
- 365 Bulgarian Adventures
- Dosh for U - Extra Money Tips
- Tips n Wrinkles - Save Money and the World
- 50 50 Deals - Sensible Shopping
- Bulgarian Slivatree - An Expatriate's Eye in Bulgaria
- Bad Luck
- Yambol Daily Picture
- Bulgarian Scrapbook
- The Rakia Site
- Also Mommy
- TH's corner
- Blogging Tips to promote your blog and make money blogging
- atenean101 @ Blogspot
- Chizmosa Lounge
- Wonderful Things In Life
- My Life's Adventure
- Life's Journey
- Momgen Garage Store
- My Crafts Store Online
- Fida Abbott
- Blogging School
- elai's haven
- Dashing Smiles
- EzGreatLife
- The fire in my life
- iLUVcontest
- AnotherContest
- nameSherry
- Shopping
- Worth's...Road
- Blog Fusion
- Nishas world and baby Alisha
- the fledgling blogger - "Only love can work wonders."
- Make or Break
- A Maiden's Testimony
- vhingsFOTO album
- Just About Anything
- samantha's own
- The Nexus - Feed your brain
- The Bad Evan
- A Woman's Blog
- Online Biz and Resources
- Moolah Musings
- I Luv Contests and More
Blog review (200 - 300 words)
Customized Bloglayout (Blogger-Platform)
DOMAIN (1 year)
5 GB Hosting space (without domain)
My own contribution (if someone beats my contribution, i have to top up ;-) ):
25.000 EC + 1 ad space Cornymans Moneypage
25.000 EC + 1 ad space Cornymans Blogreviews
25.000 EC + 1 ad space All about babies and kids
25.000 EC + 1 ad space The One Minute Guide
2 comments: on "Thoughts Of New Ways Of Making More Money By Blogging"
Hi Kamila,
thanks for your review... just linked it to the Front page to give you some of my small PR juice ;-) Let's see how this contest will affect our PR Rating when we get more than 100 backlinks.
If you're looking for an excellent contextual advertising company, I recommend you take a look at Clicksor.
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