Sunday, 27 September 2009

Kamila's Thoughts On Alexa Targets and Competitions

Kamila's Thoughts On Alexa Targets and CompetitionsKamila has now has entered five competitions and waits for the results. They are all free and easy to enter with prizes ranging from hard cash to air miles. She thinks it won’t be long before she gets some sort of reward for her efforts if nothing else the law of averages dictates that if you persist and never give up something will come her way.

It is some surprise to know that many people just don’t bother with competitions and this give a greater chance for those who do make the effort. Opportunities for competitions have increased tremendously over the last few years especially online and blog competitions, this is good news to bloggers fro another avenue of traffic and earnings.

Kamila's Thoughts On Alexa Targets and CompetitionsImage via CrunchBase

On another front it seems that Kamila has now settled nicely into a Google PR0 but her Alexa rank stands at 137457. Her aim is to get it under 120,000 over the next few months and under 100,000 by April next year. This will take a lot of work, not least more links can communication with blogging friends and regular posts.

Needless to say spare time in Bulgaria is now increasing with most of the harvests in and food and fuel stocks stored for the coming winter. Come November there will be three months of mega time to kill and that will be spent blogging on these cold and freezing months with plenty of good food and drink on the kitchen table.

“Hope you are all in a cheerful disposition,” says Kamila
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Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Cornyman Needs A Lift - EC Members Can Help

Kamila has come back from grape picking for four days and just heard that Cornyman has cancel the whopping 1,000,000 EC contest due to lack of support which is giving no real benefit to the generous sponsors who put up an incredible amount of cash EC credits and other goodies. This is was a big shock for Kamila who was the first blogger to be put up for the competition.

Kamila knows that Cornyman has put in a tremendous amount effort and dedication to this competition and in return it has gone pear shaped. Making a financial success out of blogging is a hard game as many have found out and given up. Kamila just hopes that Cornyman bounces back with new vigour and doesn’t let this put him off from trying other enterprises in the blogging world.

It is true to say from a Camel who has been blogging now for well over a year now that the blogging world needs more people like Cornyman or Martin those who don’t know. People like him make the blogging world tick and many bloggers including Kamila are more than grateful for his efforts that certainly haven’t gone unnoticed.

Kamila suggests that all people who appreciate Martin’s efforts that they should comment on his blog thanking him for his tremendous and ambitious effort. Kamila has done this already. Martin certainly needs a lift right now and bloggers who care like Kamila and many other EC members can help with this Here's the link ---->

"Warmest regards to all," says Kamila
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Thursday, 17 September 2009

Kamila In Competition Mode

Kamila In Competition ModeKamila has yet again been dropped to a PR0. This now has become a yo-yo of events for her as she was a PR2 then a PR0 then a PR3 then a PR2 again and now a PR0 again, and all in the space of a month!

This aside and still gloating about the Adgitize money she got this month, Kamila is now onto a new venture in her spare time. She is now entering competitions to try and win things. She got the idea off a post from Dosh For U where the suggestion of entering all competition that are free and the more you do the better you get at it and the more chance you have to win something.
So in addition to blogging and of course bog competitions as well, Kamila is surfing for competitions sites that give lists of competitions to enter.

Don't forget Cornymans Money-Blog and the 1,000,00 EC competition should also be the first your enter!

There is a four-day holiday in Bulgaria from Saturday to Tuesday and she will be in the village farmhouse harvesting grapes with her friends. There is no Internet there so please forgive Kamila not dropping for that time. She will return on Wednesday with hoof aloof dropping as usual.

“Love to all,” says Kamila

By the way Kamila got an email from Entrecard saying they have introduced a referral program for members with 300 credits for referrals made. If you aren’t a member you won’t know about this if you are then you should. EC Credits don’t seem to have the value they used to have somehow Kamila feels.
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Thursday, 10 September 2009

More Money, Traffic And Smiles From Adgitize

More Money, Traffic And Smiles From Adgitize

It just gets better each month with Adgitize. Here are the last four months payments made to Kamila’s comrades:

Payment Date: 6/7/2009 12:00:00 AM
Payment Amount: $10.90
Payment Type: PayPal

Payment Date: 7/8/2009 12:00:00 AM
Payment Amount: $23.19
Payment Type: PayPal

Payment Date: 8/5/2009 12:00:00 AM
Payment Amount: $23.71 Payment Type: PayPal

Payment Date: 9/7/2009 12:00:00 AM
Payment Amount: $25.99
Payment Type: PayPal

This month was a whopping $25.99. If you take off the $14 payment made for being an advertiser this leaves $11.99 clear profit plus over 100 visits a day!

Kamila can’t state strong enough how good Adgitize is for traffic and profit with less than 15 minutes a day spend on clicking on 51 other Adgitize advertisers in conjunction with EC drops.
If you aren’t with Adgitize then there must be a good reason why you aren’t Kamila can’t think of one and she has though good and hard!

If you want to see how it works or sign up, which is free and easy, click on the box below. Well worth seeing other bloggers who have giving good feedback on Adgitize.

More Money, Traffic And Smiles From AdgitizeBy the way, after getting a PR3, it lasted 6 days then Kamila fell to a PR2 for a few days beyond that. Now it has gone back to PR0! Crazy! Crazy! Crazy! Google, but Kamila has been well past caring what PR she is for quite a while now.

Finally, there is still time to enter Cornyman's 1,000,00 EC competition. Just look at Kamila's previous post!

“I Hope you are all still enjoying the warmth of Summer”, says Kamila

Top Image by Getty Images via Daylife
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Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Chance To Win 4000 EC Credits - Just Comment

Before Kamila starts anything, she is all confused as from being a PR2 then apparently sandboxed by Google to a PR0. She now finds herself with a PR3! This is a complete mystery throughout all the changes, which leads Kamila into thinking that Google really is beyond confusing.

How long her PR3 lasts is another matter. It could be a few days or weeks. Who knows, or more to the point who cares? Kamila has gone beyond that now. At least she might get a few decent Pay Per Post jobs while it last!

Kamila asks is you can check out these past articles from her blog and give some comments on them. Kamila has been reflecting on the year and sometimes forgets how much learning has gone on in that time. I was such a good time reflecting on what has happened and she hopes you can enjoy them as well.

This is in conjunction with Cornymans Money-Blog and the 1,000,00 EC competition that starts today. can win 4.000 ECs, for each comment with 3 to 4 sentences. You need to read the rules first which can be found on Cornymans Money-Blog. Kamila hopes you can put some constructive comments for her where you have a chance to win 4000 EC credits this week.

A summary of the prizes are that the first 40 comments will get each 75 EC + 2 members can win 500 EC - (totalling 4.000 EC)

Wishing you all the best all the time along with good luck
- Kamila -

The four articles Kamila would like you to comment on are:

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