Wednesday, 26 August 2009

'Chins Up'. Says Kamila

Kamila was looking for a way of getting her PR2 back, but then she though, why should she. Nothing has changed with her blog, her traffic in fact if anything it is improving very week. All that has happened is that Google have assessed her as having a blog that has no gravity in the world of the Internet. Only Google, no one else!  So now Kamila will carry on as normal, she will not be bullied into changing her ways, why should she. She is not after high search engine listing, but just writing a blog that can earn a little income for her up keep.  To all those who have been sandboxed like Kamila, don’t let this put you off, you have not done anything wrong. In a blogosphere environment there is one party who think they are God, but they aren’t.  “Chins up“, says Kamila Kamila was looking for a way of getting her PR2 back, but then she thought, why should she. Nothing has changed with her blog, her traffic in fact if anything it is improving very week. All that has happened is that Google have assessed her as having a blog that has no gravity in the world of the Internet. Only Google, no one else!

So now Kamila will carry on as normal, she will not be bullied into changing her ways, why should she. She is not after high search engine listing, but just writing a blog that can earn a little income for her up keep.

To all those who have been sandboxed like Kamila, don’t let this put you off, you have not done anything wrong. In a blogosphere environment there is one party who think they are God, but they aren’t.

“Chins up“, says Kamila
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Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Kamila Sandboxed By Google

Kamila Sandboxed By Google

Kamila today found out that Google have been quite unfair with now making her PR0 from her recent PR2. Technically it is called being sandboxed Kamila thinks. She can only assume that this was from doing a couple of Pay Per Post blogs and nothing else. This mean that more Pay Per Post jobs are going to be like gold dust and pay even less with her PR value at zero!

Not good news, but Kamila is upbeat at least her Alexa rank is well under 200k and improving.

Kamila Sandboxed By GoogleOn another front, there is 100,000 EC credits plus $20 (from a kind donor) for anyone who wants to sell a digital camera. Kamila wants to take more pictures of herself for her website and the current camera’s lens is flawed. If anyone is interested please go to the Entrecard Forum and look up 'Physical Goods' where further details can be found.

A short blog today from Kamila who has to now try and look for a new source of income. How ironic that yesterday’s post was about looking for other sources of income from blogging.

Take Care Everyone
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Monday, 24 August 2009

Thoughts Of New Ways Of Making More Money By Blogging

Thoughts Of New Ways Of Making More Money By BloggingKamila hope everyone had a great weekend - She did popping peppers on the barbecue!

Back to blogging mode, Kamila has looked again at how you can make more inroads to making money online other than Pay Per Post jobs that a detrimental to your blog in Google assessing PR. Kamila has seen quite clearly this puts so many people off that building their blogs up to qualify for posts then see all their hard work undone isn’t worth the effort.

With AdBrite and AdSense thematic systems that pay for being clicked on, Kamila has found that you need massive traffic to get anywhere near enough just to cover Internet overheads. Kamila’s team has made nearly $200, but it has taken near on 18 months to earn that on AdSense. The AdBrite was experimented on for a couple of months and Kamila earned less than a dollar, no good at all and all down to lack of traffic. Even with hundreds of EC droppers each day, this kind of traffic does not venture into AdSense or AdBrite systems as 99% are drop and run traffic.

So without major traffic and being hoodwinked into thinking that Entrecard traffic does the job, there is a dead end for the vast majority of bloggers trying to earn this way. Other avenues have to be around and the trend nowadays for decent traffic is competitions. Mr Cornyman (Martin) with his blog and the 1,000,000 EC competition has taken the bull by the horns by initiating the biggest competition to date and it will be very interesting to see what kind of results he gets on this blog. He is using Entrecard as the pivotal centre of the competition, nothing wrong with that as Entrecard encourages it, naturally.

There are many other way to make a bit more blogging and Kamila know you have to be quite original in though and almost unique with ideas that might work. She does know that the wheel can be invented time and time again and with this an old method maybe that had become obsolete a few years ago with be re introduced with a new hat and take off again. A year ago the award chain blogging was the top, this has died now, this will of course come back to popularity in the future, but not as we know it.

In the meantime, if you are a EC member give Mr Cornyman some support with sponsoring EC credits, Ad space, hard dosh, or other prizes that might want to give away. Kamila has given ad space and 5000 EC credits and feels good about it, not just from getting good backlinks either! His site is here Cornys Moneypage Blog or just click on the box below for details of the competition.

Join the 1 Million EC-Free Traffic-Contest now!

Happy blogging as always!


25 $ cash prize from
  1. Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate
20 $ cash prize from
  1. My Financial Corner

15 $ cash prize from

  1. A Little Boy's blog
  2. Too little time to blog

10 $ cash prize from
  1. One World Realty Philippines
  2. PF ♥ Org

5 $ cash prize from
  1. atenean101 @ Blogspot
  2. English Short Story
  3. Make or Break
  4. Thoughts and Obsessions
  5. Just About Anything
  6. MyOnlineContest
  7. Pinay Mommy Online

25.000 EC

  1. EzGreatLife - Family, Fitness and Finances

20.000 EC
  1. Work At Home
  2. A Little Boy's blog

15.000 EC
  1. lunaticg banknote & coin
  2. The Fitness Diva

10.000 EC

  1. Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate
  2. Too little time to blog
  3. Frugality is the new reality
  4. Blogging Tips to promote your blog and make money blogging
  5. Your daily photo depot
  6. Pinay Mom : Smartest Mom in Town
  7. Stalking Minds
  8. X O X. J A N E L L E .X O X
  9. contest ♥ love
  10. The Journey

7.000 EC

  1. Simple Happy Life
  2. Owning a Café

5.500 EC

  1. Guilty Pleasures

5.000 EC
  1. Girls Are Made of Sugar & Spice and Everything Nice
  2. Everything Has A Reason
  3. In This Life of Ours
  4. In My Kitchen
  5. My Vegetable Garden
  6. ProductReviewsVonMir
  7. atenean101 @ Blogspot
  8. Wonderful Things In Life
  9. Blog de Manila
  10. Kaya Mo, Pinoy!
  11. My Life and My Views
  13. Stunned by Stone
  14. Kamila the Camel

4.500 EC

4.000 EC
  1. After cancer, now what
  2. Nishas world and baby Alisha

3.500 EC
  1. So far, so good
  2. Easy Buy & Sell
  4. vhingsFOTO album

3.000 EC
  1. Blogging School
  2. Yashiro
  3. Just About Anything
  4. Mara's Personal Bubble

2.500 EC
  1. Walk with me
  2. Blog Godown
  3. The fire in my life
  4. Food Fads

2.000 EC
  1. All about my life
  2. My Life's Adventure
  3. Life's Journey
  5. Quintessential Babble
  6. Kutsara at Tinidor
  7. Worth's...Road
  8. Blog Fusion
  9. Make or Break
  10. Subjective Soup
  11. Communication Exchange
  12. Seek No More
  13. Freaky Frugalite
  14. Mara's Appetite
  15. My Financial Corner
  16. The Movie Mommy
  17. Chika Buzz

1.500 EC

  1. Make Money Online | Make Money Online Malaysia
  2. Fishy Passion
  3. Proud Mommy
  4. My Online Journey
  5. As Time Goes By...
  6. One World Realty Philippines

1.001 EC

  1. Time!

1.000 EC

  1. Momgen Garage Store
  2. My Crafts Store Online
  3. Fida Abbott
  4. Lovely Pink
  5. My Daily Sunset
  6. Dashing Beauty
  7. kharlota dot Com
  8. Live Love Pink
  9. Hobby and Such by Carlota
  10. Mixed Bag
  11. iLUVcontest
  12. AnotherContest
  13. nameSherry
  15. Shopping
  16. the fledgling blogger - "Only love can work wonders."
  17.'s Blog
  18. Gossip Mom
  19. A Maiden's Testimony
  20. samantha's own
  21. In His Steps
  22. Mommy's Little Corner
  23. Master and Student

500 EC

  1. elai's haven
  2. Gift Reviews
  3. Online Money Making

125 x 125 ad space (4 months until 31st December)
  1. One World Realty Phillipines
  2. Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate

125 x 125 ad space (3 months)
  1. The Fountain of Happiness
  2. Free Famous Quotes

Text Link ad (3 months)
  1. Better Interpersonal Communication

125 x 125 ad space (2 months)
  1. Blog de Manila
  2. Kaya Mo, Pinoy!
  3. Pinay Mom : Smartest Mom in Town
  4. Yashiro
  5. Tinta at Papel
  6. Just About Anything
  7. Wish Happy Birthday For Free

Text link ad (2 months)
  1. Work At Home (worth $ 50)

Text Link Ad (1 month)
  1. After cancer, now what
  2. Gossip Mom (5 text links!)

468 x 60 ad space (1 month)

  1. The Nexus - Feed your brain

125 x 125 ad space (1 month)

  1. Kamila the Camel
  2. Herbways - Way with Herbs
  3. 365 Bulgarian Adventures
  4. Dosh for U - Extra Money Tips
  5. Tips n Wrinkles - Save Money and the World
  6. 50 50 Deals - Sensible Shopping
  7. Bulgarian Slivatree - An Expatriate's Eye in Bulgaria
  8. Bad Luck
  9. Yambol Daily Picture
  10. Bulgarian Scrapbook
  11. The Rakia Site
  14. Also Mommy
  15. TH's corner
  16. Blogging Tips to promote your blog and make money blogging
  17. atenean101 @ Blogspot
  18. Chizmosa Lounge
  19. Wonderful Things In Life
  20. My Life's Adventure
  21. Life's Journey
  23. Momgen Garage Store
  24. My Crafts Store Online
  26. Fida Abbott
  27. Blogging School
  28. elai's haven
  29. Dashing Smiles
  30. EzGreatLife
  31. The fire in my life
  32. iLUVcontest
  33. AnotherContest
  34. nameSherry
  36. Shopping
  37. Worth's...Road
  38. Blog Fusion
  39. Nishas world and baby Alisha
  40. the fledgling blogger - "Only love can work wonders."
  41. Make or Break
  42. A Maiden's Testimony
  44. vhingsFOTO album
  45. OTHERSIDE of my LIFE
  46. Just About Anything
  47. samantha's own
  48. The Nexus - Feed your brain
  51. The Bad Evan
  52. A Woman's Blog
  53. Online Biz and Resources
  54. Moolah Musings
  55. I Luv Contests and More


  1. Momgen Designs

Blog review (200 - 300 words)

  1. atenean101 @ Blogspot
  2. Make or Break

Customized Bloglayout (Blogger-Platform)

  1. my Web-Blog Designs

DOMAIN (1 year)


5 GB Hosting space (without domain)

My own contribution (if someone beats my contribution, i have to top up ;-) ):
25.000 EC + 1 ad space Cornymans Moneypage
25.000 EC + 1 ad space Cornymans Blogreviews
25.000 EC + 1 ad space All about babies and kids
25.000 EC + 1 ad space The One Minute Guide

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Friday, 21 August 2009

Entrecard Verse Adgitize - Time And Traffic

Image representing Entrecard as depicted in Cr...

Kamila has been looking at the statistics coming from traffic generated from Entrecard and Adgitize and she has found some very interesting and revealing figures. Besides the type of traffic the is generated, and we all know that the bulk is drop and run, these two methods are some of the most effective forms of getting people to visit your site. Comparing the two is quite difficult as the goalposts are in different places.

Kamila explains:

Entrecard Verse Adgitize - Time And TrafficAdgitize is a paid for advertising medium, that is if you want to get real traffic. But the fee paid is paid back in full with a little over if you post daily and spend a few minutes clicking on 51 of the Adgitize community advertiser’s blogs. So you have to fork out $14 a month (cheaper if over a longer term), which you are more or less guaranteed to get back. Entrecard is different as no fees are paid, but you do pay in any way, that is by time. If you have lots of time dropping you can get vast amounts of traffic and the bonus is credit can now be exchanged for goods which another pay off.

Kamila was just looking at the amount of traffic these two main contenders give giving licence that the fees for Adgitize is cancelled out and both give a little extra as bonuses in cash and material goods and services. It was the time involved in comparison with how many visits and in a nutshell Kamila found that Adgitize won hands down.

As part of a team, one blog under that team Advertises with Adgitize and drops over 200 on Entrecard consistently (Bulgaria Scrapbook). It takes around 10 minutes to drop on the 51 Adgitize widgets each day and post daily as the norm, that’s all. It takes over an hour to drop on 200 plus EC widgets and post don’t give credits anymore. The traffic figures were very surprising. Adgitize generated 145 in the day and Entrecard 123! Kamila knows that Entrecard could generate more if using selective EC members that return drops and drop 300 daily, but that would take another chunk of time.

From this Kamila knows that Adgitize wins in the time verse hits parade. So if you are looking for lots of traffic (over 100 a day) for just working on dropping for 10 minutes a day Adgitize is for you. And the customer service given by Ken Brown is second to none.

Kamila hope this give people a better idea on the sort of numbers of traffic that are involved here.

PS Just a short reminder that Kamila can’t drop on Entrecard over the weekends nowadays.
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A Very Different Home Design Site

A Very Different Home Design SiteKamila has been around and living in many homes, she now thinks that her current home is where she will stay for the duration now. She can’t see herself moving again after having started in Egypt, then to England and now Bulgaria.

Bulgaria to many is a very basic place and the homes they are very simple. Kamila has found that compared to other homes she has lived in their designed are not fashion based. They have been tucked away from the modern world and fashionable home design for so many years it is only now that homes are beginning to take on a modern twist. Of course lack of money doesn’t help either.

It certainly is a fact that many Bulgarian homeowners need Home Improvement Help as Kamila has noticed the lack of real experts here in this field in wanting. In particular there is much room for improvement in Bathroom Design here. It will improve over time of course.

Kamila found a website that is very different to many she has seen on the subject of home improvements and design and she showed a few of her Bulgarian friends, they were quite taken back with the contemporary style and unique way of presenting home design ideas. This was also quite new to Kamila in her much travelled mind. The even had a Do It Yourself Home Inspection which can be made, but Kamila can’t see it happening here as even thought it is good value for money Bulgarians still are quite stuck in their ways and would rather keep their practical styles for now. But others may well want to look at the ideas and modern designs that are now being promoted here, Kamila has not really seen anything like it in the way they present the make up of homes.
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Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Kamila Not In Blogging Second Gear Yet

Kamila is back to work having just taken a paid post job for more than $1! She was up writing it to gone midnight as you can’t choose when these jobs come along. Well it was done and hopefully it will be accepted and Kamila will be paid for something she loves doing.

It is funny how tired you get when you come back from holiday. Kamila has found it hard to get into the fast lane of blogging since getting back as her mind is still in the sand it seems. That just shows how much of a lovely time she had I suppose.

Lots of new things happening with Entrecard so Kamila now is now accepting EC members’ ads automatically as this was one of the changes made over the last few days. If you aren’t a member of Entrecard Kamila suggests you should think about joining, you can just have a passive role and you will get traffic, which isn’t bad at all.

It might take a few more days for Kamila to get into second gear, but she will eventually as the memories of the holiday become more distanced away with time.
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Beef From A Forced Vegetarian's Point Of View

Now Kamila might well upset quite a few people by saying what she is about to say, but she is an honest camel and speaks her mind. There is no point in lying just to please other people who have a different point of view.

This may well be quite a surprise to some who know Kamila and now that she is a vegetarian, this is not by choice but a fate of nature that has designed camel to eat a non-meat diet, but that doesn’t dispel her respect for others who are designed to eat meat such as humans. Humans have teeth designed for meat eating and Kamila fully understands why the passion for meat is so apparent for most humans.

When is comes to meat the most sumptuous choice for many is beef, many a craving is in order for this meat and the choices of beef are quite numerous. Bulgaria is not beef eating country and it is very rarely put on the menu in restaurants or eaten as an staple diet. Cows are usually used for milk here so a beefsteak meal is certainly not a speciality in Bulgaria.

Filet Mignon

America is the biggest beef eating country and arguably the country that produce the best beef for eating. Kamila wouldn’t disagree with this assumption from what she has heard from people who have been there and attended and eaten at restaurants that serve prime beef. One of the favourite beef recipes was the filet mignon steaks that just hit the mark. But this was almost as popular as the gourmet steaks which could be considered at the best beef meal in the world. Kamila is actually wishing she has meat eating teeth at his point.

Back to reality, Kamila has to abstain from meat from this physical stance. She not only has teeth that can’t deal with meat but her digestive system wouldn’t cope either. Kamila knows that the passion for meat eating humans is a natural phenomenon and there is no cribbing from her as to regards to this. She respects all who chose to have a diet of their choice and has not problem or vengeance with meat eaters, even being a vegetarian by default. Lucky cats and dogs is what Kamila is thinking right now.
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Sunday, 16 August 2009

Whilst The Camel Is Away The Cats, Dogs and Others Play

Whilst The Camel Is Away The Cats, Dogs and Others PlayImage via Wikipedia

Kamila has just come back from a fantastic break to find that many of her friends had visited her site in her absence and she couldn’t wait to get back online and thank all those who did. It wasn’t more than a hour after getting back and unpacking that the laptop was unfolded and the wireless Internet signals were pulled in and used.

It is back to the business blogging now with recharged batteries and a camel mind now in mood for moving on from where she left off just over a week ago. Things change very quickly in blogging circles, especially with a little neglect. It is as if the powers of blogging communities do not allow for any rest without demotion and another hill to climb if taken.

Whilst The Camel Is Away The Cats, Dogs and Others PlayPerhaps there should be some provision for bloggers (including camel and other animal kingdom relatives) to take a break once of twice a year without penalties imposed. This would be a healthy addition to the blogosphere. Are you listening Entrecard and Adgitize?

A big thanks again from Kamila to all her loyal blogging friends.
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Friday, 7 August 2009

Weekend Blogging And Dropping To Stop?

productive weekend 1Image by Divwerf via Flickr

Kamila is in a bit of a dilemma from a frugal point of view. Here in Bulgaria Kamila uses the Internet in two places. The first in the City of Yambol in the family home, then at weekends she uses the Internet at the farmhouse in the village. The problem lies in that there are two lots of Internet bills.

The town house monthly Internet connection is 22 leva per month and the farmhouse connection 25 leva per month. Even though the village connection is more expensive it substantially slower than the town connection, it takes hours and hours for sites to be downloaded to drop on and of course only used two days of the week. Kamila doesn’t earn enough to cover the cost of both Internet connections so she is seriously think of just being a 5-day-a week blogger and is trying to weigh up what will be lost by not blogging or dropping on Saturday and Sundays.

It seems such a simple decision to make, but there is a sense of letting the side down by not dropping and clicking on 51 Adgitize ads on those weekend days of the week. This will mean her team’s position will drop like a lead balloon in most communities.

Kamila will be thinking about this all today. The bill for August’s Internet connection is due on the 11th August. Will it be paid or will is be discontinued. It can be started up any time again in the future without penalty, that a bonus. I think we know what the decision will be, after all, there is a life outside Entrecard and Kamila thinks that too many bloggers should get out more at weekend especially in glorious summer days as we have right now.

“Bring back free weekends again!” Kamila says.

The holiday break is now booked. Kamila will let you know when she is off.

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Thursday, 6 August 2009

Adgitize Pays Dividends Again

Adgitize Pays Dividends Again“Wow!” says Kamila after reading an email from Adgitize. This month’s payment fo9r Kamila’s and the team in Bulgaria surpass any previous month with a staggering $23.71. All this for tons of traffic coming in for $14 per month advertising fee of the month leaving a clear profit of $9.71.

Amount: $23.71 USD
Transaction Date: Aug 5, 2009
Transaction ID: 2***************
Subject: Adgitize Publisher Payment July 2009

This month Ken Brown (Mr Adgitize) has set up a competition with a top prize of $75, yes a hard cash prize. You do nothing other than what you normally do on Adgitize, that is, write posts, click on 51 other Adgitize members’ widgets whilst dropping on Entrecard widgets then sit back and relax. That’s exactly what Kamila does.

Kamila still thinks in terms of time spent on Adgitize, the traffic it generates, the money it generates and the excellent communication and leadership of Adgitize Ken Brown this is the best ‘link exchange’ system around.

It must only be a matter of time before Adgitize becomes a bigger entity. Kamila can’t understand why only around 130 are subscribing to advertising right now. Perhaps some think it is too good to be true. Even if you don’t advertise you are still earning so it is well worth dipping in. there have been many bloggers who have done trials on Adgitize and all Kamila has read about give positive feedback and they continue to run with it.

Kamila invites you to join Adgitize, it’s free and just takes a couple of minutes.

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Wednesday, 5 August 2009

The Promise Of A Short Break to The Seaside


Kamila has decided that the best time go goes away on holiday if you are in business is when everyone else goes on holiday. Why is that? Well Kamila has found that there is very little work to be getting on with, as most people are on vacation right now all the business has ground to a halt and everyone is recharging their batteries.

Kamila mentioned this to her master and convinced him that a small break would be good for all of us. Kamila can’t ever remember being on holiday at the seaside other than an odd weekend or in connection with business. So right now there are plans being made as she types. We are to go to the black sea for maybe three or four days for a break. We can’t afford anything expensive so we will probably end up in a tent or a hut, but we will be spending most of our time on the sand and in the sea. That brings back memories to Kamila.

We will know within the next day or so when we are going and Kamila will make sure she lets everyone know so they don’t think that she is ignoring everyone.

“Yippee!” says Kamila.

p.s. The word count here was 205, an optimum length for a blog – “Ooops I added to it now,” says Kamila
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Tuesday, 4 August 2009

When Reserved Means Not Reserved With PayPer Post

When Reserved Means Not Reserved With PayPer Post

Kamila got her first assignment on PayPerPost yesterday, no not the previous post to this, but another one that isn’t published. Why wasn’t it published? Well the little story begins.

Kamila was all excited, an assignment that was worth a measly $1.75, but nearly twice as much at the insulting $1 jobs that she just refuses to touch. It was a quick trip to the sink (oasis) to get a drink of water and then settled herself down to write about twitching eyes. That was what the post was to be about. My goodness she was keen. Then thought that this fee she was to get would buy three days worth of bread for the Bulgarian family that looks after her. She will be earning here keep there at last.

35 minutes later and two spell checks to be sure, she had finished the post. It wasn’t difficult she enjoyed the work and added a picture to enhance the advertisement. It was ready for publishing and went forward with it.

Kamila went back to Pay Per Post to register the job had been done giving the details of the post and her heart dropped. There was a message saying that she hadn’t reserved the post! But she did, it was there, she put the answer the simple question to reserve the post and it was confirmed.

Has this happened to anyone else before? Kamila asks. She felt quite demoralised after that and it was a good job another post assignment came up a few hours later and worth much more than the $1.75 she didn’t earn. What does she do with the post now?

“Life is full of ups and downs!” says Kamila
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Monday, 3 August 2009

Kamila On Finding The Right Webhosting Company

Kamila On Finding The Right Webhosting Company

It has always been a bit of a mystery to Kamila as to how people choose the right webhosts. So many choices and a maze of information and claims that can be worded to sound so attractive and a, ‘Must have!’ label attached. Kamila is of the opinion that it doesn’t always do what it says on the label.

It is a wiser blogging camel that knows many webhosts just don’t live up the billing that is written up about the service they provide. There are problems that come about that just weren’t mentioned in the promotion. This is natural as there is no point promoting the fault of good or services. What’s more Kamila knows that sometimes you are probably tied in to a contract that has to run its course or lose money cancelling early. On the other hand Kamila thinks that there may be a webhost provider that is perfect for many webmasters, including camel bloggers, but you we just don’t know about them.

Kamila feels that what is needed is a feedback system where customers who have used a range of web hosting services give their opinions of the company. There is no better way of finding out whether that web hosting system is good bad or indifferent as it come from the very people who have actually used it on a day to day basis.

Furthermore in an ideal world, Kamila thinks that a rating should be given to each webhosting company based on certain key criteria such as customer satisfaction, affordability, reliability, uptime and the quality of technical support. On top of this it should cover a mass of webhosting companies, not just the well known who have been advertising more than others. The greater the choice the more likely a webhost can be found that hit the mark with you

Well Kamila has found a website that does just dedicated to rating webhosting companies through customer reviews and feedback. She found that this is the biggest searchable webhosting directory to date, which gives comprehensive information on all webhosting providers around right now with web hosting plans laid out. Also they give promotional and discount coupons alongside the very useful unedited reviews by real customers.

Kamila suggests that you have a look at some of the articles written up on this site there are some great tips within these article and not just about webhosting reviews. Kamila has always said that before you consider buying anything, do your homework on what’s best for you. This makes homework finding a webhosting company so much easier.

Kamila On Finding The Right Webhosting CompanyKamila says,
“I hope you enjoyed my recommendation, even if you don’t need a webhosting provider right now!”
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Sunday, 2 August 2009

Top Ten Droppers - Kamila Gives Rewards Of EC Credits

Kamila promised some rewards for the 10 top Entrecard droppers, just to remind you, this is what she wrote:
As from the coming month of July and every month thereon Kamila will be awarding 100 ECs for the top ten droppers and a gifting a whopping 300 ECs for the blogger in the number one spot. She is basically giving away 1200 ECs each month.

Well true to Kamila's word these have now been awarded to the Top Ten droppers for July. Congratulations and spend them wisely.

Here is the list of winners.

Dropper # of drops
The Chicago History Journal 30
BeadedTail 28
Meow Diaries 27
Anything Goes W/ Pahn 27
Animal Kingdom 27
Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice 27
Daisy the Curly Cat 26
Mumblings 26
Doing Business 26
Dosh For U - Extra Money Tips

Kamila says,
"Thanks once again for your decidated support, I hope to see you next month chaps!"