After yesterday’s Entrecard saga Kamila relaxed a bit and thought again about the money she earned form doing a sponsored post. It would take months to earn what she did on Entrecard and weeks on Adgitize. She enjoyed the 30 minutes it took to write the post and also had fun doing it so why not take on some more?
So it was a busy Kamila applying for Pay Per Post, she hopes to get accepted, but she also knows that there will be less work offered without her own domain. She is kicking herself slightly as what she should have done was get this when first starting her blog.
Another wait is on then to see the result of her application.
“Happy Blogging” says Kamila.
2 comments: on "Kamila Decides On Pay Per Post"
You can also try blogvertise. The majority of their tasks have a much higher payout.
Hi Tahtimbo, Kamila thanks you for that advice, she may well look into it if she get a moment.
Takae Care
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