Saturday, 12 July 2008

A Letter Box

Curiosity got the better of Kamila today, and why not, everything is new here and questions have to be asked to find out about these things.

The gate to the street is made of iron and in the middle is a lttle box with a door on it. This caught Kamili's attention as she enquired what it was for.

"Is that where the birds nest?" she guessed. Well, it was a very good guess as there was a slot on the other side where she thought the bird come and go.

"No Kalima, that is where the postwoman puts the letters, it's a letter box." We told here that in Bulgaria most of the letter deliverers are woman.

"Oh, that's not a good place for posting letters said Kamila, people can steal them quite easily."

She got up on the post box and easily opened the door to reveal the inside. Her demonstration showed how easy it was to get in an out of the box.

We had to explain that in Bulgaria stealing people's post was very rare, even in towns.

Kamila was very pleased that so many nice people live in the country she now calls her home.

"Perhaps I might get a letter one day." she said.
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