Sunday 20 July 2008

New Place to Sit

Kamila normally sits on a little bureau with a glass top, she can see everything from there, including the television and quite often asks nicely if see can see another channel if we didn't mind. She is such a polite camel we never usually refuse.

Today we were all sitting on the sofa and Kamila was watching us from her normal place. We suddenly realised that it wasn't fair that we get the comfy seats and Kamila basically sits on a glass top.

We asked Kamila if she would like to join us sitting on the sofa, to which Kamila reacted with a degree of excitement. She trundled over to the other side of the room towards us as we put a little home made knitted cushion in Kamila's new place.

The rest of the day and evening she kept thanking us for letting her sit there and we apologised for not thinking of this before now.

We all sit together from now on and Kamila feels even more part of this Bulgarian family.
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