Kamila understands why people are moaning about drop and run bloggers on Entrecard and Adgitize? The ‘bounce’ factor is a concern to many who fear Google will think their blogs are not keeping people’s attention. But the extent of criticism Kamila feels is unfair.
There is a demand to just click for traffic by drop and run tactics and that’s one option many people take especially if their blogs desperately need traffic. If bloggers don’t want this type of traffic, (bouncing traffic) then they can quite simply withdraw their membership from communities that churn this type of traffic out. There is no point just moaning about all that does is create a bad feeling and alienate bloggers it is better to just move on. On Entrecard this will probably change soon though.
There is a demand to just click for traffic by drop and run tactics and that’s one option many people take especially if their blogs desperately need traffic. If bloggers don’t want this type of traffic, (bouncing traffic) then they can quite simply withdraw their membership from communities that churn this type of traffic out. There is no point just moaning about all that does is create a bad feeling and alienate bloggers it is better to just move on. On Entrecard this will probably change soon though.
Kamila puts her hands up and admits she does sometimes run through some blogs on a drop and run basis, but she dwells on those that create interest for her. It is natural that good blogs will get less of a, ‘bounce’ type traffic. Most bloggers will pause, read, comment and perhaps interact with interesting elements on some blogs they find that distracts the when they are clicking through. Then others they will just click through. There is no point in dwelling on a blog that you have no interest in. She can’t see what all the fuss and bad feeling is.
There will always be a certain percentage of bloggers who will just be there for quick clicks, but for Entrecard now to put a detection system in on drop and run bloggers so they won’t get credits Kamila feels is a bit extreme. If blogs surfed aren’t of interest to bloggers they just won’t bother visiting them after initial assessment in the first instance.
In all instances Kamila will continue to use the same method of dropping on those who have dropped on her and many will be paused upon if Kamila finds them drawing her in. Others she will just bypass, will she click on the latter if there is no credit involved? Mmmmm, knowing Kamila she will because she is that type of camel, but other bloggers, well we’ll see.
There will always be a certain percentage of bloggers who will just be there for quick clicks, but for Entrecard now to put a detection system in on drop and run bloggers so they won’t get credits Kamila feels is a bit extreme. If blogs surfed aren’t of interest to bloggers they just won’t bother visiting them after initial assessment in the first instance.
6 comments: on "Drop And Run - A Natural Process In Blogging"
Kamila, you are one smart camel!
Nicely put Kamila. Why complain about a free service? I've never understood this thought pattern and agree that those dissatisfied should just go onto something else. Now they've chased Graham away and it may become a very different system. I don't really drop for the credit, but to see new blogs and get mine "out there".
I'm with you on this one, Kamila.
Hi Daisy, Shelly and Susan, Glad your on my side with this. We would be worse off without Entrecard that's for sure.
we agree with you Kamilla! Well put
Chris, Abby, Rosie, Angel, Gidget and Lola
I must agree with you Kamila. I drop and run quite often simply because I try and visit each blog that drops on me. If a blogger doesn't have a new post up I'm not going to sit and reread a post I've already seen but I want to return the favor of the drop. I also agree with you on dropping and running on blogs that do not have content that is of any interest to me. I like yours though, I always stop and read.
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