Fresh from an extended weekend in the village watering melons and tending to potatoes and sweet corn, Kamila is back in the office kitchen now tending to her blog.
She has made a great realisation this morning when surfing through some blogs. She found that she had been mentioned in a friends blog: This was such a pleasant surprise with the nice things that Cornyman had said. He has given SEO advice to Kamila before now so he is very well versed in SEO matters with many other blogs to his name:
The One Minute Guide
All about babies and kids
Cornymans Money-Blog
This aside, Kamila has now added a section to her blog on the right hand side column. Why she didn’t think of this before is a mystery. Perhaps with so many things to think of it was a basic oversight. There is a section now for followers, (called Kamila’s Kind Friends) where you can view new posts each time they are made, this is through Google’s own “Friends Connect”.
This will now give new back links both ways, Kamila’s PR2 blog to those who follow and back to Kamila from friends’ blogs. In Kamila’s own words, “A great and simple way to add back links and make friends as well!”
Kamila now looks for the same system in other bloggers and follows them herself if she likes the blog. How many times has Kamila seen a blog she likes, but then can’t remember where it was? Loads! This can’t happen now with the follower widget in place. And far better than having a RSS subscription clogging up your email inbox!
“Happy days are here again!” says Kamila. “I love Mondays!”
The One Minute Guide
All about babies and kids
Cornymans Money-Blog
This aside, Kamila has now added a section to her blog on the right hand side column. Why she didn’t think of this before is a mystery. Perhaps with so many things to think of it was a basic oversight. There is a section now for followers, (called Kamila’s Kind Friends) where you can view new posts each time they are made, this is through Google’s own “Friends Connect”.
This will now give new back links both ways, Kamila’s PR2 blog to those who follow and back to Kamila from friends’ blogs. In Kamila’s own words, “A great and simple way to add back links and make friends as well!”
“Happy days are here again!” says Kamila. “I love Mondays!”
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