Friday, 19 June 2009

Kamila Joins Hits4Pay An Gets $10 Credit For Nothing

Kamila Joins Hits4Pay An Gets $10 Credit For NothingKamila has joined Hits4Pay for free and now has a $10 credit to her name. Each time she clicks on an ad she will ear 2 cents. It may take here quite a few months to build up to the $25 payout through PayPal, but this is all part of the bits and pieces that add together on her site that is building up nicely.

Just to give you an idea of how the Hits4Pay system works, Kamila has given a summary of the rules that apply. It is very simple

  • $0.02 is credited for each websites ad visited.
  • You must click on the link on each advertisement sent to you via email and let it load for 60 seconds. that's all there is to it.
  • Hits4Pay commissions are paid via PayPal, not by cheque.
  • Members have to reach the minimum balance of $25.00 to be paid and will be paid around the 15th of each month.
  • Accounts that do not meet the minimum payout requirement will have their balance carried over to the next month.
  • Each member will receive a signup bonus of $10.00 for signing up and this is added to your Total Current Balance, you are nearly half way to that $25 with this onboard!

Kamila Joins Hits4Pay An Gets $10 Credit For NothingKamila knows that this is not a big earner, but she is quite content to let it run building up even if it takes to Christmas, this will be another little earner trickling in money.

Kamila has also joined as an affiliate and invites you to join. Again this is for free and for $10 kick start. Besides which she will get $0.01 on top in commission form clicks made from other Hits4Pay members referred without any loss of revenue.

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2 comments: on "Kamila Joins Hits4Pay An Gets $10 Credit For Nothing"

cornyman said...

Hello Kamila,

it's more like a no-earner. Trust me! You need around 100 active referrals to reach payout until christmas.

I joined last November 2008 until now i earned a whooping 60 cents e you get perhaps 5 mails per month.

Good luck in recruiting referrals otherwise it will be more a big earner for Hits4Pay. They store your earned money for several months/years...

Kamila The Camel said...

Hi Cornyman,
Kamila is happy for the advice, perhaps not this Christmas but the following one then. She feels that is it still a hoof (finger) in the pie.
Take Care and thanks again says Kamila. :)