Kamila is now regularly dropping on 50 Entrecard members a day. For most people and camels this should take about 20-30 minutes, but for Kamila is takes her nearly an hour, as she gets distracted from the task of dropping into the task of reading interesting posts.
This of course is a benefit for both camel and Entrecard members who Kamila call on. From Kamila’s point of view she is learning man y things as she travels through wave after wave of post, many about how to blog successfully. On the other side, each read she makes when Google will not see these particular drops as ‘bounce’ hits.
If there is any interest from anyone, Kamila would like to know and she’ll put them of the list of daily drops ensuring that when she does drop, she’ll linger. Of course she’d like any party to do the same – It is a trusting camel that asks.
“Enjoy your Sunday” says Kamila.
Image by B Tal via Flickr
2 comments: on "Entrecard Drop and Linger Idea"
I like it! I've got a small group of bloggers already in my reader; those get the extra time from me. And I try to always return comments, too.
I know I have a problem getting all of my drops done because there are too many sites I have to stop and read because I find them interesting! Guess that's why I could never join the drop & run group.
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