Kamila has been doing some reading up and found that Google are not very fair to people and camels who want to earn a little money by blogging. There is an inherent problem with writing Pay Per Post articles. This has serious implications on blogs such is the system used and she is quite worried that Pay Per Post or similar systems could be a quick cash in but short lived.
Kamila knows that you need a Google Page Rank to get assignments, the higher the rank the more you are offered and the higher the fees paid. Now Kamila has worked hard to get a PR 2 but when Google sees that sponsors are paying her on her blog they take a dim view of this and assign a PR0 to your blog.
This is a big worry as with a PR0 there will be very little assignments all that work to get the
PR2 in the first instance undone by a few posts that have been sponsored. So what can she do? Well there doesn’t seem to be and answer tot his and Kamila feels that Google are quite unfair to discriminate against bloggers that want to earn a little. It is a world of business anyway; Google should know that and Kamila feels that in the laws of supply and demand it should have a free hand. If someone takes offence with a sponsored post, then they don’t have to read that blog, surely it doesn’t need Google acting as ‘Big Brother’ to put a curfew on their PR.
Kamila being a camel that likes the desert, she doesn’t want to be sand boxed by Google fro simply trying to earn a few bucks, after all blogging is a form of work, why shouldn’t you get paid for it.
Kamila knows that you need a Google Page Rank to get assignments, the higher the rank the more you are offered and the higher the fees paid. Now Kamila has worked hard to get a PR 2 but when Google sees that sponsors are paying her on her blog they take a dim view of this and assign a PR0 to your blog.
This is a big worry as with a PR0 there will be very little assignments all that work to get the
Kamila being a camel that likes the desert, she doesn’t want to be sand boxed by Google fro simply trying to earn a few bucks, after all blogging is a form of work, why shouldn’t you get paid for it.
Kamila asks, “Does anyone out there know an answer to this problem?”
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